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Install Frameworks

Starter kit logos

You can install and use Chainlink in your projects either manually or by using the Chainlink Starter Kits. Once you have the Chainlink library installed, you can more easily access the Chainlink ecosystem.

Installing into existing projects

Chainlink is supported by Hardhat, Brownie, Truffle, and other frameworks.

If you already have a project, install the @chainlink/contracts NPM package.


Install using NPM:

npm install @chainlink/contracts --save


Install using Yarn:

yarn add @chainlink/contracts

Create a new project

If you're creating a new project from scratch, these commands will help you set up your project to interact with Chainlink tools and features via the use of our Starter Kits.

Hardhat Starter Kit

For the latest instructions, see the following repositories:

To learn more about Hardhat, read the Hardhat Documentation.

For more details on how to use Chainlink with Hardhat, see the blog post for How to use Hardhat with Chainlink.

Brownie Starter Kit

For the latest instructions, see the Brownie Starter Kit repository.

To learn more about Brownie, read the Brownie Documentation.

For more details on how to use Chainlink with Brownie, see the Develop a DeFi Project Using Python blog post.

Truffle Starter Kit

For the latest instructions, see the Truffle Starter Kit repository.

To learn more about Truffle, read the Truffle Suite Documentation.

For more details on how to use Chainlink with Truffle, see our blog post about Using Truffle to interact with Chainlink Smart Contracts.

Foundry Starter Kit

For the latest instructions, see the following repositories:

To learn more about Foundry, read the Foundry Documentation.

Apeworx Starter Kit (Vyper)

For the latest instructions, see the Apeworx Starter Kit repository.

To learn more about Truffle, read the Apeworx Documentation.

Anchor Starter Kit (Solana)

For the latest instructions, see the Chainlink Solana Starter Kit repository.

To learn more about Anchor, see the Anchor Documentation.

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